Transformation and evolution

The universe is all about change, transformation, evolution.  Nothing is static.  New stars are being born every day, planets are being formed, life is growing and expanding.  Caterpillars are changing into butterflies, coal transforms into diamonds, acorns grow into oak trees.  Human beings have come a long way from the earliest days, and now we are in a new phase of transformation and evolution.

Our individual lives comprise the totality of the human experience.  Together, we are the collective consciousness.  Our physical evolution has brought us to where we are now, and our spiritual evolution is the next step.  Our lives are a journey of spiritual transformation, and we carry all of humanity with us.  As each one of us grows and adds our understanding and higher consciousness to the collective consciousness, so humanity rises in consciousness.  The more we do this, the faster the shift occurs as our experience influences others.  We do not need to preach our truth, simply to live it, and the process happens naturally.

We may each seem to be small beings compared to all the earth, and especially compared to all the universe, but we each play our part in the evolution of the whole.  A drop of water is tiny, but the ocean is made up of all the tiny drops.  So too the universe is made up of each drop of consciousness that we are.  The difference is that we have intention, and choice, and the power to create.  The more we focus on our spiritual journey, the more we commit to it, the more we affect those around us, the more spiritual understanding we contribute to the collective consciousness, the faster change happens.

This is an amazing time to be on this journey of transformation.  We are the leading edge of this wave of evolution, which will affect not only our world but the universe as a whole.  Never underestimate the importance of your part, and the power that you have to co-create a magnificent change.  Blessings to all of us on this path!

Independence Day

On this Independence Day we declare our freedom from old negative patterns, from limited thought, from the old paradigm of separateness.  We celebrate the raising of consciousness for ourselves and for the whole world.  We are always free to choose our thoughts and intentions, and especially to choose Love.

Every day is Independence Day as we make these choices for ourselves, and strike out along the path that is right for us, the path that brings us spiritual understanding and growth, that leads to love, light, peace, joy, harmony, kindness and compassion.  We are free from the dominion of other people’s thought, other peoples expectations and limitations of us.  We are free from the beliefs we held that have seen us only as limited, flawed human beings.  We are free to shed these old thoughts and see our true being as Spirit, as Light, as Love, as sacred, as creators in our own right.  We are free to understand our own power over our thoughts and over our world.  We are free to create our own lives, and to co-create a transformed world as more and more of us awake to our freedom.

Freedom is not something that someone gives to us, it is ours by right and by virtue of who we are.  It is up to us to claim that freedom, and to live it.  With this freedom, we will heal the world.

The space between your thoughts…

“The space between your thoughts is the window to the cosmic mind.”  -Deepak Chopra

We are part of the great Cosmic Mind that created us, that created the Universe.  As such, we share in its mind and in its wisdom.  Whatever we need to know, we already know.  But instead of looking within for wisdom, many of us look outside, to books, to teachers, to gurus, to other people.  We need to make the space of silence and meditation, to learn to look within, to recognize and to trust our own wisdom.  When we free ourselves of the outer distractions, when we slow down our busy thinking and listen, our inner voice, that voice that is part of the Cosmic Mind, tells us everything we need to know.

What if…

What if you realized how powerful you truly are?

We have within us the power of Spirit, the creative power to shape our lives and the world around us.  Most of us are used to thinking of ourselves as limited human beings, at the mercy of fate or random chance.  But many of us are awakening to the power of our thoughts, to our ability to choose what we want and what we do not want in our lives, our ability to heal ourselves and others, our ability to influence the world around us, and the power that we have when we come together to effect great change.  And our power is even greater beyond this.

We have the power to change our lives.  Together, we have the power to change the world.  We are part of a new wave of spiritual evolution, in which we awaken to this power and wield it with love and wisdom.

What if you realized how powerful you truly are?  What would you do?



The spiritual path is the path to higher consciousness.  When we keep our attention focused on this goal, we progress.  When we allow ourselves to be distracted by the things of the outer world we stray.  Constant vigilance over our thoughts and attention is the key.

The world is full of distractions.  Pop culture makes constant demands on our attention.  Technology offers many ways to keep our attention darting from one thing to another.  TV, movies, businesses, all clamor for their share of our time and attention.  When we are focused outward on these things, we are not focused inward.

It is up to us to make the choice – where do we want to place our attention?  If we are committed to the spiritual journey, it requires a great deal of us in terms of time and quality of attention.  Reading, studying, silence, meditation are the spaces which nurture our journey and allow us to access our inner wisdom.  The things of the outer world are glittery and seductive, but the rewards of the inner journey are far greater.  Commitment, discipline, vigilance, – these are key to progressing into higher consciousness.  The choice is ours.

We all contribute

What each of us offers to the world in thought and in energy counts.  We all contribute to the collective consciousness, which influences everything in the world.  The more love we offer, the more peace we offer, the more higher consciousness we offer, the more we offer our sacred selves, the more the world shifts in that direction.  Never underestimate the power of what you do and what you think.  Never underestimate the power of the energy that you send out.  We truly are the world, and we help shape it every day.  This we must always keep in mind, and send out only our highest and best thought and energy to bless and heal the world.

Spiritual explorers

When it comes to spirituality, there are people who want to be told what to believe, and there are people who strike out on their own journey to explore, to discover, to learn and to grow and to continually expand in understanding.

Some people thrive in a comfortable, known religious environment, where they are taught certain beliefs, take part in certain rituals, and have an established community to belong to.  Other people learn from different traditions, develop their own beliefs, create their own rituals and practices, and journey to a great extent on their own.  Neither of these ways is the “right” way; different people have different perspectives and different needs.  That is what makes the world so diverse and fascinating!

More and more people, however, are turning to their own individual paths, creating them as they  go, taking an eclectic approach as they find in different traditions different beliefs that resonate in their minds and in their hearts.  They also learn to tap into their own inner wisdom, expanding on what they have learned and leading them higher and higher in consciousness.  More and more people are, in this way, waking up to their true being as Spirit, as sacred, as wise and loving beings of Light.  The path is often confusing, sometimes difficult, usually challenging, but the rewards make it so worth while!

A line from a song says, “Ships are safe inside the harbor, but that is not what ships are for.”  Those of us who feel the hunger in our hearts and minds to go exploring have come far indeed, and our journeys benefit not only ourselves but those around us and the whole world itself.  We are on a path that can and will change the world.

We are all affecting the world…

“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not.  Our actions and states of mind matter because we are so deeply interconnected.  Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act.”

-Ram Dass

Love all…

Love all…Love those who are on the spiritual path, who give love and light and joy to the world and who help uplift us all…Love too those who have lost their way into darkness and negativity…Love heals all and shows us the way home.

We all need to give love and we all need to receive love.  Not personal, conditional love, but spiritual, unconditional love. We can love the spirit within each even if we cannot love the outer human person.  Those who seem the most unlovable are those who need love the most, to heal and to awaken to their true being as Spirit.

Love nourishes us when we give it as well as when we receive it.  We love others to heal both them and ourselves, and to heal the world as well.  Love has the power to transform us all.

Our true spiritual Selves

We find our true spiritual Selves not by adding anything but by discarding everything that gets in the way of seeing what we already are.

We are Spirit, we are Light, we are Love, we are sacred.  We have forgotten this, and the spiritual path is one back home to who we truly are.  Our inner wisdom knows this, and this is the voice that we listen to in order to find our way.  We let go of everything else the world tells us about our flaws and our limitations, we let go of other people’s perceptions and expectations.  We turn within, and find that we already are where we want to be.

Surrender to the butterfly

When a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly inside the cocoon, the body of the caterpillar does not change into the body of a butterfly.  Rather, the body of the caterpillar dissolves into mush, and out of that mush the body of the butterfly forms.

Sometimes we find ourselves in that “mushy” state, where our old beliefs have dissolved and we have not yet formed new ones.  We are letting go of old ideas and beliefs that are no longer needed, that we have outgrown, that get in our way.  It can be an uncomfortable place, even frightening.  But we need to trust the process, because we are making room for new ideas and new understanding, and out of that state our beautiful winged butterfly will emerge, rising higher and higher in consciousness.

Healing medicine

The thought came to me this morning that all the loving, positive, uplifting thoughts that we pour out are like medicine, that heals us, heals those around us, and heals the world itself.

By the same token, negative and unloving thoughts are like poison, that harm all rather than heal.  It is a reminder that we need to be always aware of what we are offering, to ourselves and to everyone else.

We are all sacred beings

We are all sacred beings, part of a sacred world and a sacred Universe.  Too many of us have forgotten this, and our spiritual journey is now a path back to remembering.

Some time ago, I wrote elsewhere:  I am sacred.  I forgive myself all the mistakes I made when I forgot my sacredness.

When we look at others who seem to have forgotten their sacredness, the best thing we can do for them is to remember for them.  Remember that they are Love, they are Spirit, they are Light; send them positive thought and positive energy and blessings, and help open the way for them back to remembering for themselves.

And forgive ourselves for whatever mistakes we have made when we did not remember as well.

Spiritual evolution

There is evolution happening on every scale.  We are evolving personally, embarking on our individual spiritual paths, rising higher in consciousness as we focus on positive thought and energy, on love, peace, compassion, and harmony.  We are evolving globally, seeing from our higher perspective that we are all connected, that what one does affects all, that love and peace must replace hate and fear if our world is to thrive and transform.  And the Universe Itself is evolving, as we each play our role in lifting it up in consciousness as well.  As we become the highest and best that we can be, we are doing so much more than simply improving ourselves; we are serving the world and the Universe as well.  We are indeed all connected!

Prayer for Peace

Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace

I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship. 
I see your beauty. 
I hear your need. 
I feel your feelings. 
My wisdom flows from the highest source. 
I salute that source in you. 
Let us work together for unity and peace.

-Mahatma Gandhi