Tag Archive | sacred

Love all…

Love all…Love those who are on the spiritual path, who give love and light and joy to the world and who help uplift us all…Love too those who have lost their way into darkness and negativity…Love heals all and shows us the way home.

We all need to give love and we all need to receive love.  Not personal, conditional love, but spiritual, unconditional love. We can love the spirit within each even if we cannot love the outer human person.  Those who seem the most unlovable are those who need love the most, to heal and to awaken to their true being as Spirit.

Love nourishes us when we give it as well as when we receive it.  We love others to heal both them and ourselves, and to heal the world as well.  Love has the power to transform us all.

Our true spiritual Selves

We find our true spiritual Selves not by adding anything but by discarding everything that gets in the way of seeing what we already are.

We are Spirit, we are Light, we are Love, we are sacred.  We have forgotten this, and the spiritual path is one back home to who we truly are.  Our inner wisdom knows this, and this is the voice that we listen to in order to find our way.  We let go of everything else the world tells us about our flaws and our limitations, we let go of other people’s perceptions and expectations.  We turn within, and find that we already are where we want to be.

We are all sacred beings

We are all sacred beings, part of a sacred world and a sacred Universe.  Too many of us have forgotten this, and our spiritual journey is now a path back to remembering.

Some time ago, I wrote elsewhere:  I am sacred.  I forgive myself all the mistakes I made when I forgot my sacredness.

When we look at others who seem to have forgotten their sacredness, the best thing we can do for them is to remember for them.  Remember that they are Love, they are Spirit, they are Light; send them positive thought and positive energy and blessings, and help open the way for them back to remembering for themselves.

And forgive ourselves for whatever mistakes we have made when we did not remember as well.

I am sacred, you are sacred

I am sacred, you are sacred. It is such a simple statement, but if people lived by it, it would transform the world. If we honored ourselves as sacred, we would always try to live up to our highest and best. If we honored other people as sacred, there would be no war or violence. We would work together in harmony for the highest and best of all.
Each one of us who pours this thought of sacredness into our lives and into the world does make a difference, both personally and globally.  When enough of us awaken to our own sacredness, we can indeed change the world.